All proof Qui-Gon Jinn might Have Stopped Anakin's darkish side flip

Qui-Gon Jinn is seen by many as a consequence of the appropriate of the Star Wars prequel period’s Jedi, and there is proof that he might have even stopped Anakin Skywalker from falling to the darkish side of the drive. Anakin’s tragic fall from grace resulted inside the shut to-destruction of the Jedi Order and whereas his foibles and Palpatine’s machinations pushed him to develop to be Darth Vader, the Jedi Order’s personal failings performed a exercise as properly. Qui-Gon Jinn, who’s taken underneath consideration a maverick Jedi grasp by his colleagues, would possibly want been in a place to protect Anakin on the path of the Jedi, had he not been killed by Darth Maul.


Star Wars‘ Qui-Gon Jinn would have been the great mentor for the youthful Anakin. Not solely might he have been a better supply of steerage than Obi-Wan Kenobi in lots of regards, however he would have additionally prevented Palpatine from stoking the fires of Anakin’s darker tendencies from the start. Qui-Gon’s seemingly unorthodox tendencies as a Jedi might have been a supply of frustration for his colleagues, however he would possibly want had a optimistic affect on the Jedi Order over time. Qui-Gon’s tragic dying in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace facilitated Palpatine’s grasp plans, however had Qui-Gon lived, Anakin might not have develop to be the Sith usually acknowledged as Darth Vader.

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Qui-Gon Was the daddy decide Anakin Sought In Palpatine

Star Wars Qui-Gon Jinn Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker left his mom behind to develop to be a Jedi in The Phantom Menace, and whereas Qui-Gon immediately stuffed the position of a parental decide, the Jedi grasp’s dying left Anakin inside the care of Obi-Wan and Palpatine. Obi-Wan, regardless of his good intentions and most interesting efforts, was not the mentor Anakin wished. Obi-Wan adhered intently to the methods of the prequel-period Jedi, which sadly made him unable to correctly tackle Anakin’s factors with attachment and conceitedness. Palpatine clearly had the worst intentions for Anakin, manipulating him to embrace the darkish side of the drive and develop to be the mass-murdering Sith Lord Darth Vader.

Had Qui-Gon lived to develop to be Anakin’s mentor, it is going to have been far extra sturdy for Palpatine to negatively affect the youthful drive-delicate. Qui-Gon had no qualms with defying the methods of the Jedi Order when wished, and he’d know that their usually platitudinous suggestion to Anakin was insufficient when he’d solely joined the Jedi Order at age 9. Anakin was previously enslaved, missed his mom dearly, and was inclined to turning into overconfident when so many Jedi believed him to be the prophesized Chosen One. Qui-Gon would have ensured that Anakin had as comparatively regular of an upbringing as potential, diminishing the temptation to take heed to Palpatine.

Qui-Gon Understood The Failings Of The Jedi

Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Order

The Jedi Order had develop to be corrupt and complacent by the prequel period. whereas the Jedi of canon’s extreme Republic period allowed healthful attachments and distinctive, particular person, views of the drive, it had develop to be dogmatic, inefficient, and too intently tied to the more and more-corrupt Republic by the prequel trilogy. inside the Legends continuity, the Jedi Order was by no means rebuilt after the Jedi Purge, with Luke Skywalker instead establishing the mannequin new Jedi Order, whose emotionally healthful philosophies and practices made it far nearer to the Jedi Order in canon’s extreme Republic period. although he was not an factor of both period of the Jedi, Qui-Gon would have been an best match for them each.

In each canon and Legends, Qui-Gon Jinn is depicted as being keenly aware of the Jedi Order’s failings inside the prequel period, and he follows the want of the drive and his personal moral compass over the Jedi Code. this might likely have alienated him usually, however had he survived the Battle of Naboo, he might have had a sturdy affect on the Jedi Order. Had Qui-Gon lived to step by step change the Jedi Order for the greater, it is going to likely be far extra sturdy for Anakin Skywalker to lose his religion in them, as a balanced Jedi Order removes a lot of the attraction of the darkish side and the Sith Order.

associated: ROTJ’s Luke Skywalker Proved The Prequel Jedi’s methods had been incorrect

Qui-Gon on an everyday basis Trusted In Anakin’s vitality

Qui-Gon Jinn Darth Maul Anakin Skywalker

alongside collectively with his unorthodox views of Jedi Knighthood and the want of the drive, Qui-Gon Jinn additionally distinguished himself from his Jedi colleagues inside the most interesting method he seen Anakin and his intrinsically sturdy connection to the drive. the the rest of the Jedi feared Anakin’s potential, and whereas his flip to the darkish side proved their anxieties appropriate, their mistrust of him was one in all many many errors the Jedi Order made with Anakin. Qui-Gon by no means feared Anakin’s vitality, seeing its potential for good better than something. Qui-Gon would have been a lot extra welcoming to Anakin, albeit with out letting him develop to be smug as Palpatine did.

Qui-Gon Had started To Sense The darkish side

Qui-Gon vs Darth Maul in the desert in The Phantom Menace

Qui-Gon was additionally forward of his Jedi friends in that he appeared to have been the one one to sense the rising darkness as Palpatine’s machinations bought here nearer to their success. The canon novel Queen’s Peril reveals that Jedi grasp Qui-Gon was the one Jedi who suspected potential foul play when analyzing new taxation funds inside the Republic Senate. in any case, these funds are what allowed Palpatine, in his Darth Sidious identification, to provoke the blockade and eventual invasion of Naboo, which might finally finish in the Separatist disaster and Clone Wars. Qui-Gon’s extra important views on the Jedi and Republic allowed him to see what the various Jedi might not.

The occasions of The Phantom Menace further show this level, as Qui-Gon Jinn was, for a time, the one Jedi to know that the Sith had returned after a millennium. Having a quick however intense duel with Darth Maul on Tatooine, Jinn acknowledged not solely Maul’s signature crimson-bladed lightsaber (a weapon used almost solely by Sith) however additionally his unimaginable power inside the lifeless of evening time side of the drive and mastery of Juyo (a lightsaber fight type favored by Sith and usually forbidden by Jedi). whereas Yaddle, a extreme Republic-period Jedi, believed Jinn, the order writ massive did not take Qui-Gon’s warnings critically till it was too late.

Star Wars Comics hint Qui-Gon might Have Saved Padme

Star Wars Padme Death

Canon Star Wars comics launched the dwelling Sea of Gazian, the place a vergence inside the drive permits imprints of any drive-delicate who visits the ocean to stay on for eternity. whereas Luke Skywalker makes use of the ocean to study extra with regard to the methods of the Jedi from Elzar Mann, it is additionally revealed that an imprint of Qui-Gon exists inside the vergence. Even with Qui-Gon Jinn lifeless, Anakin Skywalker would possibly want been in a place to protect on the path of the Jedi Order by way of the Qui-Gon imprint’s information, stopping PadmĂ© from dying (which his fall to the darkish side in the end causes) and altering the course of the Star Wars Skywalker Saga.

subsequent: The darkish side Secretly Made Qui-Gon Jinn The Sith’s biggest menace


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